Ways to Play this Halloween

submitted by Jamie Brown, Be Fit For Life

October is a great time to get creative with the kids and let their imaginations soar! Although Halloween is known for its endless amounts of sugary treats, there are ways that you and your family can still stay healthy this season.

Wellness is not only about maintaining our physical health, but also our mental health. Spending quality time with our kids is essential to maintaining the mental well-being of our children and ourselves. Many studies have shown that individuals who prioritize quality time with their loved ones experience many benefits including reduced stress and anxiety levels, increased motivation, reduced risk of disease and premature mortality, improved cognitive function, and increased self-esteem. Here are a few ways you can spend quality time with your family this Halloween!

Get Crafty!

One box, a million possibilities:

Costumes can be expensive, so try to make one instead! Do you have an old box laying around the house that you have been wanting to get rid of? Turn it into an awesome costume with your child!

  • Are they an artist? Spark their colorful imagination by creating a crayon box!

  • Do they love board games? Paint the box white and add some dots to create a single die!

  • Big movie buff? Add red and white stripes to the box and tape yellow tissue paper to the top to create a yummy box of popcorn!

Decorations made from household items:

  • Create a spooky skeleton by gluing Q-Tips to a piece of black construction paper to make the bones and draw the head using a white crayon!

  • Craft a cute cotton ball ghost by cutting out a construction paper ghost and glue on cotton balls. Add eyeballs and a mouth to make your ghost come to life!

Get Healthy!

Halloween treats do not all have to be filled with sugar. Try these easy and fun snacks as an alternative to candy for a little added protein and nutrition.

  • Banana ghosts: Peel a banana and cut it into two halves. Use chocolate chips or raisins to create eyes and mouth for your ghost!

  • Halloween veggie tray: Heading to a Halloween party? Give your veggie tray some life by adding googly eyes to cups and bowls to hold different vegetables or fruits!

  • Sweet Potato Jack-O-Lanterns: Slice a sweet potato into thin rounds (or use a pumpkin cookie cutter if you have one). With a knife, carefully carve out triangular eyes and a mouth just like you would a pumpkin! Place on a baking sheet and lightly drizzle with oil and sea salt. Pop them into the oven until they are warm and soft. These make a great side dish! (Or you can slice them super thin and make sweet potato chips!

Get Active!

Trick or treating is a fun tradition that allows us to get outside and get active with our families. If the weather allows it, rather than driving your kids around the neighborhood to get their treats, go for a walk! This is a great opportunity to spend quality time with the family while staying physically active.

Sources and References

  • Halloween Crafts (westchesterwoman.org)

  • Halloween Recipes (Veggie-quest.com)

  • Jack O Lantern Roasted Sweet Potatoes (thecreativebite.com)